MOVE simple.

BE stupid.

PLAY ingenious.

Or not

MOVE simple.

BE stupid.

PLAY ingenious.

Or not


bringing different people together so they feel connected, accepted and inspired to express themselves


a group of artists with the background in contemporary and urban dance, who incorporate fine art, mediation, theatre, performance, film and music into our multi-disciplinary movement practice


make sure you understand the concept of „people doing moves“ a little bit. 
Create a move.
Shoot a video.
Post it on instagram.
Tag us. #peopledoingmoves
Join our WORKSHOPs
with different
topics & methods
Check our list for inspiration

make sure you understand the concept of „people doing moves“ a little bit. 
Create a move. Shoot a video. Post it on instagram. Tag us. #peopledoingmoves
Join our WORKSHOPs with different topics & methods
Check our list for inspiration

people doing moves

an international performance project with a mission to support anyone feel like an artist of their bodies

We use movement as an universal and abstract tool to express ourselves, play, reflect and inspire

Gefördert von „Fonds Darstellende Künste“ aus Mitteln der Beauftragten für Kultur und Medien